Exhibit of Books Displayed - Bayonne Public Library - 07/13/13

Our parish is very proud to sponsor an exhibit of books as well as religious and cultural artifacts of Eastern Europe at the main branch of the Bayonne Public Library. The exhibit contains a broad range of books on the topic of Orthodox Christian spirituality. The books represent a collection entitled “The Antonia Rotko Collection on Orthodox Spirituality,” and their purchase was made possible through a generous donation made to Sts. Peter and Paul Church by Antonia Rotko after her passing in December of 2010.  Antonia was a lifelong member of the parish, and was also an avid reader of books on the topic of Orthodox Christian spirituality.  In light of this, it was agreed that a collection of books donated to the library in her name would be a fitting testament to her memory. It is hoped by everyone at the church that this collection of books will increase awareness of Christian Orthodoxy among readers and spiritual seekers alike. 

The collection of books and artifacts were on display until the end of July in the cases located on the first floor of the library to the right of the entrance.